The wilderness...
Nobody signs up for this...and nobody wants to be here.
It's lonely and desolate. Your soul is weary & parched, and God feels like He's a million miles away.
And you're tired.
Tired of asking "Why?"
Tired of wondering what on earth God is doing, and why it seems so hard to hear His voice.
Friend, I promise...God has not abandoned you!
"Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her."
Hosea 2:14

>> to create intimacy with you?
>> to help you experience Him in a new way?
>> to rescue you & set you free?
Join me for Seen: an 6-week online Bible Study & learn what God has to say about the wilderness, how He uses it in our lives and how He meets us there.
Just know...this study isn't about warm, fuzzy quotes & cute memes to try to make you feel better.
And it's not about self-help and telling you that everything will be fine if you'll 'just get it together'.
Nope. That won't do when your soul is on empty.
We are diving into the Word of God & expecting God to meet us there and show Himself to us in a powerful, intimate way.
And I believe that what you're going to learn will blow your mind & help you see this season in a whole new light!

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- Get ready to meet God in an intimate, new way!
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Hi, I'm Kathy
God told me a year ago that I needed to share the things He had shown me in my most recent wilderness experience.
And this message must be meant for you because He's telling me that now's the time!
I don't know what this season of life is looking like for you, how long you've been in it or how you got here.
But I do know this...hope will flow like cool water for your aching soul, and you will meet God in a way you never expected.
And by the end, you just may find this wilderness to be beautiful.